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Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

During the month of June, we celebrate Pride at Xellia’s sites around the world! At Xellia, we believe in the freedom to be yourself and we are proud to have a culture that is open and transparent, where everyone can bring their whole identity to the workplace. This is rooted in our Xellia values and in our growth mindset where personal and professional development of the individual is in focus.

As a truly international company, at Xellia we benefit from a diverse and multicultural workforce, with sites located in 9 countries. Diversity and equal opportunities for all is key to our success and it is an integral part of what we do. At Xellia, we are happy to have engaged global and local DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) teams who plan culture-building activities on multiple DEI topics, including gender diversity, cultural diversity, as well as accessibility and disability awareness. During Pride, the DEI teams have planned several awareness activities to celebrate Pride and the fundamental principles of human rights with our colleagues.

Happy Pride!